Impact Hustlers - Entrepreneurs with Social Impact

Enabling Impact with Every Transaction - Ronny Sage of ShoppingGives

Maiko Schaffrath Season 1 Episode 95

If every time you bought clothes and shoes, you would also be donating to nonprofits, wouldn’t you want to spend more? Well, that’s exactly what ShoppingGives aims to do through their social impact commerce platform. By enabling e-commerce retailers to donate a share of their revenue to a cause of their customers’ choice, social impact is created and this has always been the vision according to ShoppingGives CEO and founder Ronny Sage. 

Ronny shares how he first started working for a digital agency but saw a problem that needed to be addressed, and so ShoppingGives was born. Founded by the belief that doing well equals doing good, ShoppingGives hopes to create an impact with every purchase or transaction. Consumers and businesses these days are becoming more and more conscious of where their money is going, and so this has allowed ShoppingGives and the nonprofits it supports to thrive.

Ronny talks about their business model, the dynamics, the pillars, and the great retail reset that has put social impact at the forefront of consumers’, retailers’, and organizations’ decisions and actions. Ronny also shares how he was able to bootstrap his business while still working full-time and his advice for first-time founders on how to do the same. He emphasizes the importance of having conviction and explains how his own conviction led ShoppingGives to where it is today, with thousands of direct-to-consumer partner brands that support nearly 2 million charities around the world. Listen to this episode to find out more about ShoppingGives and the impact it creates.

Ronny’s key lessons and quotes from this episode were:

  • “If a business doesn't have a bottom line to do well, they don't have a bottom line to do good.” (4:13)
  • “We are the generation of impact.” (5:28)
  • “Any founder who has the opportunity to learn on somebody else's dollar and to grow their arsenal of skills and ability to level up while making money and to learn on somebody else's dollar, cease that as much as you can.” (22:00)
  • “The difference between a dream and a vision is the actions in between.” (24:03)
  • “The path least expected results in outcomes unimaginable.” (31:08)

In this episode, we also talked about:

  • Ronny’s background and how ShoppingGives came to be (1:34)
  • The ShoppingGives business model (11:12)
  • How ShoppingGives fares against its competitors (16:18)
  • Ronny’s advice on how to raise funding (26:24)
  • Pivoting the business but staying true to your vision (34:13)
  • The world in 10 years according to Ronnie (36:42)

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