Impact Hustlers - Entrepreneurs with Social Impact

The Major Impact of Mental Health on Startup Success - Sançar Sahin of Oliva

Maiko Schaffrath

Sançar's Sahin, Co-founder at Oliva, a B2B2C startup that provides on-demand therapy, coaching, and classes. It has previously worked with employees of companies like HubSpot and Sifted. Oliva focuses on effective process matching to build a value-based platform. 

In today’s episode, Sançar shares his personal story of experiencing burnout while working in a fast-growing startup and the importance of addressing mental health in the workplace.


  • [01:26] Sançar's personal story and getting to work on Oliva.
  • [06:19] Maiko's Mental health journey.
  • [07:39] Getting Mental health support, Online Therapy.
  • [12:50] How Oliva Works.
  • [19:08] Sançar's Perspective.
  • [24:57] Oliva's differentiation factor.
  • [30:09] Achieving wide adoption within a company.
  • [35:27] Onboarding solution.
  • [36:59] Insight into acquiring the first 10 customers.
  • [38:50] Hardest lesson Sancar had to learn.
  • [41:09] The future of Oliva.


  • “There are many bad things about the pandemic, but one of the good things is that it accelerated reducing stigma around talking about mental health and accessing help.” [10:09]
  • “Mental health is one of the most important things affecting a business.” [23:05]
  • “To make a meaningful impact on your mental well-being, you can't just focus on preventative  and content-based care.” [25:12]
  • “Bad matches in online therapy cause people to opt out completely because they believe it isn't them."  [26:17]

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