Impact Hustlers - Entrepreneurs with Social Impact

Personalized Vitamins For Better Health & Wellness - Melissa Snover of Nourished

Maiko Schaffrath Season 1 Episode 113

Tailor-made nutrition. That is the tagline of Nourished, a company dedicated to personalized nutrition supplements that are vegan, friendly, not to mention, delectable, and are made through patented 3D printing techniques and sophisticated encapsulation gel technology. Its CEO and founder is Melissa Snover, a seasoned entrepreneur who has founded multiple companies. In fact, in 2019, she raised the highest female founder seed round in the history of the UK, so there is definitely a lot that can be learned from her. 

In today’s episode, Melissa talks about why she was set on solving a problem that she herself experienced, the world of 3D printing and nutrition, how she’s made her businesses stand out from the rest, and key advice for early stage founders on having the right mindset when facing problems, choosing investors, and building a support system. Listen to this episode to find out Melissa’s investor horror story that will make you think twice before accepting money from just any investor!

Melissa’s key lessons and quotes from this episode were:

  • “All good entrepreneurs have a highly developed sense of empathy, because only when you have that can you actually develop solutions that are going to be fit for purpose and actually create meaningful value add and solve problems for people.” (6:41)
  • “Every difficult thing that happens is really an education that prepares you for the next step, and I've really adjusted my perception to view it that way. The sooner you do that, the better you will be for the rest of your life.” (26:04)
  • “99% of your life is the ride, not the destination, and you have to find ways of getting comfortable with that failure, and the eventualities of what the impact of that might be.” (28:09
  • “The easy way and the right way are never the same way.” (34:04)

In this episode, we also talked about:

  • How Melissa ‘accidentally’ became an entrepreneur (3:22)
  • How Nourished adds value to their customers (16:14)
  • Crucial lessons Melissa learned on her entrepreneurial journey (25:58)
  • Finding the right investors for your business (35:22)

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